This article is a summary of subscript of Youtube clip "20 Things You Missed in Money Heist" of Screen Rant.
Sierra will follow the Professor?
A few seconds into the credits a woman's voice begins singing bella ciao, the sort of anthem of the crew more on that later. By the way so far in the series the only people who have sang that song have been the followers of the professor. So whose voice is it that is singing it now. That's none other than Ciara herself. So what could this mean well it could be hinting that Serra may be throwing on a red jumpsuit next season while she has so far been a staunch opponent of the robbers money heist isn't exactly shy about big reveals maybe just maybe she has been playing the long game somehow helping the crew out from the other side all along guess we'll just have to wait for season 5 to find out for sure now.
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Netflix Series 'Money Heist' Part 4, Alicia Sierra |
Not for Netflix first time
Most of you who are watching this video probably discovered money heist via Netflix the main distributor of the show around the globe
but did you know that that's not where the show originated yep it was not conceived as a Netflix original
the show originally aired on the spanish network and 10:03
and in its first few episodes it did incredibly well ratings wise
however as seasons one and two went on viewership quickly tanked so much so that the series cast and crew pretty much made peace with the idea that the show was a dud
and that's when Netflix came in offering the show a new life on their streaming platform and while Netflix did little to really push the series to their subscribers
the Gamble has seemed to pay off while Netflix refrains from releasing official numbers on viewership
it is reportedly now one of the most viewed shows on the platform in Italy Argentina Chile France Portugal and Brazil
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La Casa De Papel on Spanish Network |
Despite being a fantastic show you've got to admit money heist isn't exactly going to win any awards for having ace / original title
but the show's original title was a bit better in Spain where the show was originally produced
the title it was given was la casa de papel which translated into english means the house of paper
in this case of course referring to the fact that the show largely takes place in banks and such where paper money is often stored that is a much more interesting title and is better than the alternative title that they almost went with la casa de Carta or the house of cards which was avoided in order to not be confused with the Netflix series by the same name
Tokyo is homage to the 1994 film Leone.
Tokyo is probably the big standout in terms of characters on the show she manages to be equal parts endearing and utterly awesome
if you are a movie fan though she might just remind you of a certain little girl from a certain 90s action flick
yeah Tokyo was based off of Natalie Portman's character Matilda from the 1994 film Leone the professional
pretty much everything about her initial appearance was borrowed from that character
her clothes her hair even some of her mannerisms not that it is at all a bad thing
though Leone the professional is an iconic bit of cinema
so it is understandable why the creators may have wanted to pay homage to it
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Netflix Series, Money Heist, Tokyo and Matilda |
Character Name
In addition to being a just all-around awesome character
Tokyo was also the first character in the series to get a name reportedly her name came around due to almost complete happenstance
hey Suz Coleman are one of the show's directors and producers stated that it all came about
because Alex Pena creator of the show once came into work wearing a shirt with Tokyo printed on it Coleman R saw it and said hey that would make a great character name and from there the name stuck now
besides Tokyo almost all of the rest of the crew utilized names that are based upon national capitals
Berlin is the capital of Germany.
Helsinki is Finland.
Lisbon is Portugal etc.
there are only a handful of characters on the team who don't go by national capitals
Denver is the capital of Colorado a state
Rio de Janeiro is the capital of the Brazilian state by the same name.
Palermo is the capital of Sicily which is a reed in Italy
and Marseille is just a particularly populated French city
not quite sure why these particular characters weren't given the names of national capitals
but maybe something about them in particular will be revealed someday
one member of the crew doesn't have a city base name at all is the professor the team's mastermind
however while he doesn't have one officially
the actor behind the character Alvaro Marte thinks he knows which city name would fit and best during an interview
when he was asked about what city he would choose to be named after
he said quote the concept of what it is fits in but we have to remove the religious components
this would be Vatican City. It's a state city a very small one but like the professor it's always shielded and at the same time it has a great power all over the world.
Vatican City is of course the place where the Pope lives a small independent city-state in the heart of Rome which itself is the capital of Italy being the seat of power of an entire religion.
The Professor and Berlin
The parallels to the professor are fairly obvious and do indeed work super well maybe Sunday
this name will become canon in the series itself something that
the earlier seasons aren't exactly great at conveying that
the later seasons do a better job at illustrating is the relationship between the professor and Berlin
in case you didn't quite catch it through all the dialogue the two aren't just good friends and partners in crime
in fact the two are actually half-brothers on his mother's side seems like the professor liked to keep the leadership side of things in his close inner circle
and what is closer than family
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Netflix Series, Money Heist, Professor and Berlin |
Who is Tatyana?
Now here's a question involving Berlin that could have some pretty major implications
who exactly is Tatiana Berlin's mysterious ex-wife
well there is one theory that could provide an answer
the theory posits that Tatiana despite being played by a completely different actress is actually inspector Sierra with Sierra singing bella ciao in the end credits for season four
this would give her a solid connection to the crew
and the kicker to this theory Sierra states that her husband's name is your mom which looks and sounds an awful lot like German
or Germany which Berlin is the capital of.
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Netflix Series, Money Heist, Tatiana and Sierra |
Bella Ciao
Throughout money heist besides the main theme there is one song that keeps popping up all over the place. This is of course the little tune entitled bella ciao and it's actually an old Italian folk song
but what does it actually mean well bella ciao or goodbye beautiful in English is a song that has long been used as a sort of anti-fascist anthem with its lyrics having been changed during World War two
in order to reflect the Italian citizens rising up against Mussolini and his followers.
It has also since been adopted worldwide as a sort of rallying cry for freedom which is probably why the resistance in the show is so fond of it.
Here's a fun behind-the-scenes fact regarding how the show is made unlike a lot of modern dramas
money heist isn't completely plotted out before the cameras start rolling
in fact the episodes are filmed in chronological order since the scripts for the episodes are written only a short while before production on those episodes actually begins yep the show is written in parallel to filming
this is done so that the show's writers can better pivot based upon what they think is best for the show overall
for example in season three a one-and-done joke about Marcy's love of animals quickly became a defining character trait humanizing this often stoic criminal and given the way that the show is written it is completely understandable that some elements of the show's original plan didn't wind up making it to the final product one such example is the actual reasoning behind everyone joining in on the heist in the first place
Serious Disease
Now we all know that Berlin had a serious disease specifically helmers myopathy
however originally many if not all of the members of the crew were meant to have terminal illnesses themselves
the original idea was that each of them would be seeking out the means to pay for their own treatment
or seek to get back at the system for failing them ultimately
this idea was axed with only really Berlin keeping the disease aspect of his character
Denver's Laughter
Something else that was included in the original idea for the show that actually did manage to make it to the screen this time around is Denver's signature out there
I'll show you my tiny bikini even before denver's actor Jaime Llorente was cast in the role
the character was meant to have a distinctive laugh early drafts of the script called for the character to have a quote/unquote trashy laugh
and each actor who was brought in to read for the role was asked to interpret that in their own way
and now we have his memorable chuckle up there on the screen for all to see
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Netflix Series, Money Heist, Denver Laughter |
Salvador Dali masks
Here is an interesting real-world connection to the show
the iconic red jumpsuits and Salvador Dali masks that the robbers wear on the show have actually been used in real world
Protests and even a couple of copycat bank robberies protests wise
the outfits have popped up in demonstrations in Lebanon Iraq France and Chile
which if you remember from earlier are some of the countries where the show is reportedly a bigger hit couple that with the overall political nature of the show
and it makes sense that the politically minded would latch on to the show's iconography
2 Scenes Difficult to film
There are two scenes throughout the series that proved to be particularly difficult to film
first was the sequence and the professor tried to rain millions of euros down over Madrid this sequence was complicated largely by rapidly shifting weather patterns which
made getting the money to go to where it needed to go nearly impossible
next was the sequence where Denver had to scuba dive inside the vault now shooting underwater is always difficult but when you take into account the fact that the team had to build a replica of the vault in an underwater tank and that the gold bar props that they had were made of foam that kept trying to float away it makes the whole thing significantly more difficult does look totally awesome though special effects are always fun to hear about as they're probably the most entertaining part of the whole filmmaking process
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Netflix Series, Money Heist, Money Rain |
Sugar Glass
One great example of special effects work that we see during the series happen during the first battle between the crew and police forces during this conflict several police cars had their windows replaced by something called sugar glass
sugar glass in case you're unaware acts like regular glass in most cases but is made out of sugar as the name would suggest it breaks and shatters just like real glass but is nearly harmless meaning that there weren't exactly any risks involving cuts
and so forth making it a lot safer than actual glass
there is one character among the crew who might just have the most on the nose name if you really stop and think about it
Stockholm Syndrome
Stockholm started out as a simple secretary working in the Royal Mint of Spain
however once the great heist went down she quickly fell in love with Denver
and wound up joining the robbers now that has us asking one simple question does Stockholm and Stockholm Syndrome
Stockholm Syndrome refers to the idea of when a captive falls in love with his or her captor
now that certainly sounds like Stockholm alright the show never outwardly dresses it but for my money she might just have her namesake syndrome
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Netflix Series, Money Heist, Stockholm |
Real Gunfight?
One of the more action-packed scenes in season four of money heist showed the escaped bodyguard fending off the crew members who were coming at him from both sides in order to make his escape from that situation
he whipped out two pistols and fired them each in a different direction which is something that we see quite often in movies and TV shows
but how realistic is it to go guns akimbo like that is it as effective as the media Dake's it scene
in fact many different experts have tested it out and found that it is Nayan impossible to accurately use dual hand guns meaning the chances of actually hitting any targets are slim to none so
the next time that you're in a gunfight for whatever reason I'd avoid trying to utilize your best John Woo moves
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Netflix Series, Money Heist, Rio |
Rio is Genius?
Rio is a pretty young character super young actually at the start of the series he is said to be only about 19 years old which is kind of interesting
all things considered especially when you take into consideration that they also state that he's been hacking for years
so wait a minute
that would mean that he was an experienced criminal while he was still in high school or at least the Spanish equivalent of high school
that's one of those things that you don't really think of too much but it definitely puts the whole genius part of his qualifications into perspective
The guns that we see the robbers use throughout the series are definitely some of the more interesting ones visually
but what are they exactly well
those are variations of the Heckler and Koch g36 a rifle design in the early 90s
for use by the unified armed forces of Germany
though it has since been adopted by militaries
the world over for its part Hollywood tends to use it due to its interesting appearance looking more
futuristic and space-age II than something like the m4 platform that the US military commonly uses don't put ideas in my head.
More About Money Heist : Money Heist Binge-Watching Guide
More About Money Heist : Money Heist Binge-Watching Guide
Source : Srcreen Rant Youtube Clip
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